INFOGRAPHIC: Filipino and the Internet

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No small company is too small to participate and compete with much larger companies in the business. Unlike before, well-established companies with their resources can easily prohibit small competitors to enter the field and being put away in the scene because they can pay huge amounts of money through expensive TV ads, gigantic billboards, etc. Thus, putting startups to extinction.

But the era that we live in now favors small and medium companies, especially people who have entrepreneurial skills.

The internet has democratized the business scene with low-cost automated marketing solutions and gives us the freedom to access the worldwide market.

And one of the most effective marketing methods that are unbeaten is email marketing. It can help you build rapport with your subscribers and later on convert them into loyal happy customers.

As of 2017, there are already 3.8 billion internet users worldwide, and is still growing by 8% year-on-year. These people can be your clients. You have to remind them that you exist.

In the Philippines, 58% of the total population has access to the internet. A report said that Filipino users grew by 27% and 38% of all web traffic came from mobile devices.

infographic of internet in philippines

Source: Apex Global Learning

It is now time to have an online presence because people are online, and you must constantly remind them about your business.

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