Why Going Digital Is the Future of the Philippine Real Estate Industry

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Did you know that real estate is regarded among the country’s last remaining offline-focused industry? For one, you still see agents in public places distributing flyers to people who are yet to realize their need to invest in a property. Big companies still employ salespeople to sit down with a potential buyer and use charm to actually get him or her to buy a condominium. With this insight, you can say the human person is still a more effective seller than a computer. However, industry experts say going digital is, indeed, the future of the Philippine real estate industry.

Powerful property portals

First, let’s get this straight: going digital does not mean completely replacing the human person with computers and robots. The latter could imitate and try but would never be able to do that seamlessly. It just means maximizing what technology offers to each and everyone today - the unlimited data and resources, convenience, and speed. Particularly in the real estate industry, going digital translates to the property portals that make everything easier to today’s investors. With just a few clicks, property portals can present a thorough comparison between units and influence the buyer’s decision in less than an hour.

The millennial market

Last year, one property portal revealed in a press briefing that it got over a million visits in 2 consecutive months. This clearly shows people turn to the internet when they want to invest in a property or buy a new house. Why? Because it is the Millennials who are buying properties today. They have jobs to afford it and they turn to the Internet to help themselves decide after seeing ample data.

While most property portal visitors are merely window-shopping, the next thing they do is speak to a sales agent once ready to purchase a property. They’ve already seen and read everything by this time. The smart millennial market has already analyzed sufficient data for them to proceed to the next step. This makes technology a gift to both the buyer and seller or property developer. Pressure is just on the latter to rise up in the competition by being the best when it comes to digital.

Top view of officemates holding their smartphones, tablets and laptops

Digital is the future

By going digital, property developers are not only able to present a number of options and comparisons to its target market. More importantly, it is able to maximize the power of marketing. Going digital enables property developers to reach potential buyers where they spend most of their time - online, on their social media accounts. With a few strategic combinations of words, the potential buyer’s attention is caught and now convinced he or she must invest, now. This is where the magic starts.

Another reason property investors today love digital listings is the lack of pressure. They can go and say yes whenever they are ready. There is no person in from of them influencing their judgment and demanding an instant decision. They get what they want when they are ready because they are relaxed and everything is well thought out. The risk is low as well as the chance of regret, if not none at all.

The list goes on and on

Continue putting yourself in the buyer or investor’s shoes. When you turn online and go digital in your search for the perfect investment, you feel you are deciding based on facts. Statistics are available everywhere and you get to study and really understand them before you arrive at a decision that would change your life. You can do this at any place and at any time. This makes you feel smart and confident.

Filipinos today are becoming smarter every day. Instead of hating technology, they adapt to it and embrace the transitioning to digital. They understand this is an advantage and not something to fear, hate, or ignore. This is the right attitude and property developers should understand that going digital is, indeed, the future of the Philippine real estate. Digital marketing is the key to reach buyers, bring them to a cohesive property portal, and with truthful data, help them arrive at the best decision.
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